Dear Corbin, I hope this letter finds you well
You requested to know if we get any news on any new missing cases. We've had many new cases but only one has truly sparked my interest.
Now I really hope you know I could lose my job for telling you this. To be honest I'm not sure why I'm telling you this or why I agreed.
Unfortunately we don't know will be sent just yet so this may be useless to know of.
Do you remember Elliot Wandsworth? We used to go to school with him. It was always me, you and Elliot.
Us three messing around and when we weren't we were climbing the Oak trees doing whatever we wanted.
I miss those days.
Anyways I only mention Wandsworth now as the missing persons case was him.
Well I'll get into what happened. Although please note this is just an account of what happened. I did not get the call.
I only looked at the call manuscript from the operator who had the call.
The call was between the operator and Wadsworths wife (who knew he'd get married.) He never really did seem like the kind of guy to get married or settle down really.

He seemed to much of a workaholic, at least he was when we went to school.
You know, I never expected to recieve your original letter regarding these cases. It was rather out of the blue. So I must ask why?

Why do you want to know this? You're a lawyer. That makes no sense to why you want the file information.
I must ask why do you need this? I just pray you have no negative intent.
I send my regards Corbin.

Yours sincerely,


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